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Embracing Your Authentic Self
Creating Your Personal Mantra
“Take up space.” That is my mantra. In my personal life I am someone who is very chatty and can pretty much talk to anyone so long as it’s one-on-one. But in a larger group or professional setting, I don’t speak up as much because I don’t want to step on any toes. So I make myself a little smaller and shrink into the background to avoid overstepping.
Earlier this year I started to wonder why I felt less like myself. I realized that I wasn’t embracing my most authentic self, and was instead suppressing my true personality to appease those around me. In doing so I was actually connecting less with friends and colleagues. I decided that I needed something I would say to myself every time I felt that I was dampening my own light, and that inspired my mantra.
What Are Mantras?
Mantras are phrases, quotes, or affirmations that encapsulate how you want to show up in the world, or that remind you of who you are. You can create your own mantra, or you can take one from podcasts, books, friends, or even song lyrics. As I mentioned, the quick mantra I call to mind when I need a push to be my most authentic self is “Take up space.” But I also often reference the Maya Angelou quote “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I read it every day to remind myself of the positive impact I can make around me, even subconsciously.
Examples of Mantras
Some people will say that mantras have to start with “I” or “My” but they can be whatever you want them to be. They can be a reminder like mine, or they can be more like affirmations.
I am in control of my fate.
I deserve to be here. (A good one for imposter syndrome!)
My heart is open to others and to new experiences.
Happiness is a state I can choose to be in everyday.
Everyday is an opportunity to express gratitude and compassion towards others.
It may seem hokey to say these things to yourself either in your head or out loud, but the value can not be overstated. What you tell yourself about your purpose on this earth, who you are at your core, and what you desire is what determines if your aspirations are possible. By reminding yourself of your mantra each day, you will positively change how you show up in the world and how you embrace your most authentic self.
✪ Your action item is to keep your eyes and heart open for a mantra that strikes a chord with you. Write it somewhere where you will see it everyday, and repeat it to yourself when you need a reminder of who you are and how you can show up authentically.