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- The Biggest Lie We Tell
The Biggest Lie We Tell
We all tell ourselves the same lie. Whether we are talking to others or convincing ourselves not to do something, we return to the lie of “I don’t have time.” While it’s true there are some non-negotiables that eat up chunks of our day, that does not mean that we can’t make time somewhere in our schedule.
Let’s say you’d like to learn how to dance. But when you look at how busy your life is, you just don’t see how you could possibly squeeze it in. Between your work, family life, time with friends, or full time job as a personal chauffeur to your children, there is just not enough time for you to take up dance. So you let your dreams and desires pass you by.
But what if someone offered you one million dollars if you were to attend a one hour dance class five days a week for the next year? You’d probably rearrange your schedule to make room for dance classes.
We tell ourselves that we don’t have time, but it’s really that we are choosing not to make the time. If you choose not to make the time for something because it’s really not something that interests you, then that’s totally fine! But if you are letting something you think about constantly slip through your fingers, then you are letting the lie that you don’t have time control your life.
✪ What desire nags at you? What are you passionate about that you don’t ever seem to have time for? Your action item is to find one hour a week to make time for it. If it’s helpful, you can break that hour down into smaller chunks to better fit into your routine. That could be twelve five-minute increments throughout the week, three twenty-minute increments, two thirty-minute increments, etc. If it’s something you genuinely care about, please do not let yourself become convinced that you can’t do it. Ask yourself if you would be able to find the time to do it if someone offered you one million dollars. And then if you really want to do it, give yourself that time. Prioritize yourself and your dreams, and that hour that was once so hard to find will soon become your favorite part of the week.